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14 Bis

Dignified and equitable conditions, limited working hours; rest and paid vacations; fair pay; protection against arbitrary dismissal; free and democratic union organization; are some of the labor rights recognized by article 14 bis of the Argentinian National Constitution.

Outside the legal world, however, the figure of labor occupies a central place in the tensions and disputes that permeate the social fabric. Precarization, the violation of rights, the fight against inequality, and disobedience as irruption, force us to understand work as conflict. 

At the same time, problematizing the use, circulation and power of images implies recognizing them as artifacts that, far from being limited to the mere description of the social world, have the capacity to interrupt the prevailing senses to create new representations, discourses and identities. 

The photographs presented below were constructed with that objective in mind. Conceived as tools for collective intervention in the public space, they seek to build a visual and political sense from our conceptualization and work of fotografxs, shaping a synthesis in the territory. The words accompany but the images exceed what they define.

Collective project developed in ARGRA Escuela, dictated by Martin Acosta with Florencia Ayala, Nayla Bohoslavsky, Mauro Bustos, Melisa Condori, Sebastian Conti, Daniela Damelio, Oriane Fléchaire, Jose Laza, Ludmila Luis Llovet, Ariel Martinez De Luca, Renata Rivas, Luciano Sanguino, Muriel Schtivelband and Jack Solle.


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